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قديم 2022-08-24, 05:40 PM
هبه ابراهيم هبه ابراهيم غير متواجد حالياً
عضو نشيط بمنتدى أنصار السنة
تاريخ التسجيل: 2022-03-13
المشاركات: 185
هبه ابراهيم
افتراضي 210 m apartment for sale in a very unique location within Arabella New Cairo

Arabella New Cairo
It is the largest high-end residential complex in the heart of Fifth Settlement, founded by Azmeel Group Real Estate, which has provided all the various services and multiple facilities and provides you with all the elements of modern life and luxury in one place, and the compound is not limited to well-known traditional designs but has used the largest Offices specialized in engineering consultancy to implement a distinctive plan for the construction of the project.

The units within the project are varied and different from others, including villas, duplexes, and twin houses, and they are distinguished at great prices with great payment facilities for the longest period of time on comfortable installments. Inside Arabella, you will enjoy calm and privacy due to its location far from traffic and overcrowding.

The unique features of Arabella Project New Cairo
The project is close to many vital areas, in addition to being located in the heart of New Cairo, as it links between roads and main axes.
Living in the residential units in Arabella Project makes you feel relaxed, calm, and psychologically comfortable because it is away from overcrowding and congestion.
In addition to the architectural designs and wonderful finishes on modern international styles that suit you and your fine taste.
Green spaces, gardens, and landscapes occupy 80% of the total space, which helps you feel serenity amid the clean outdoors.
The project is adorned with water bodies represented by water fountains and waterfalls with crystal waters, which makes it a wonderful painted painting.
Providing all units with solar panels to benefit from them in lighting and rationalizing electricity consumption.
The entire project is equipped with generators to operate all units automatically in the event of a power outage.
More information about Townhouses for sale in New Cairo

Residential units within Arabella Project New Cairo
To ensure complete freedom of choice and ensure privacy, the project was established to include several distinctive residential apartments designed in a modern world style, to satisfy all customers' tastes and achieve their desires, and the units are unique with the finest luxury finishes and wonderful facades that reflect all aspects of sophistication and luxury.

The units within Arabella Compound are (standalone villas - twin houses - duplexes) and each has good characteristics and specifications that all residents seek. Inside the project, you will enjoy the picturesque nature overlooked by all units and the clean, fresh air away from car exhaust.

Unit prices within Arabella Project New Cairo and the announced payment systems
The most worrying many individuals in any place are the move from one residence to another, in addition to the high prices that are announced for the units and apartments, especially if they are in New Cairo, but in Arabella Compound, although it has the same specifications that characterize most of the compounds, however, its prices are different from others.

The average price of the apartment starts from 1,700,000 to 2,350,000 EGP.
Duplex price starts from 2,400,000 EGP.
The average price of Villas is 13,000,000 EGP.
Distinctive payment systems were announced to own a distinctive unit within the compound, the company that developed the project was keen to attract the attention of customers and investors to provide the convenience of owning the unit without trouble, and this was done by offering the best payment and payment systems, which are to pay 20% downpayment of the total value of the unit price and the rest in installments over 60 months.

The real estate developer of Arabella Compound Fifth Settlement
Azmeel Group is one of the largest leading real estate and engineering development companies, and it is the owner of Arabella Compound, it is always keen to follow steady steps in showing its work with high-quality aluminum facades, as well as high-end designs and creativity, as well as directing all its interests to the optimal use of the interior spaces and providing them with the latest finishes and multiple facilities.

In addition, it provides armored doors for more safety for the residents of its projects and provides its distinctive lighting system, which is unique and is characterized by beauty and sophistication and has been created with precision and professionalism, and all of its projects are unique with an automated system for transporting garbage to maintain public cleanliness, You may not find this often on other companies' major projects.
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المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع: 210 m apartment for sale in a very unique location within Arabella New Cairo
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